Pediatric Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Specialist - Child Health and Diseases Specialist
Appointment Line:   0533 3568677

Allergy signals

Child Allergy Doctor - Prof. Dr. Ayfer Yükselen

An allergic reaction is actually a war of our immune system to detect certain substances that are considered normal for most people as foreign and to defend the body. This foreign substance, ie allergen, can be a food, tree/grass pollen, house dust mites etc.

Allergy can manifest itself in a way that affects one or sometimes several of the different systems of our body.

So, what are these symptoms, when should 'allergy' come to mind in your child?

Skin symptoms:

If there are dry, itchy, red skin rashes on the skin called eczema or dermatitis that can be seen from infancy.

In the presence of red and raised itchy plaques called urticaria or hives

Gastrointestinal symptoms:

(Especially food allergies can sometimes manifest with these symptoms)

If there is blood and/or mucus in the stool

If there is severe colic

If there is severe vomiting

If there is recurrent diarrhea or constipation

Sometimes, failure to thrive or not being able to gain weight during infancy may be the only symptom.

Respiratory symptoms:

If your child has one of the following longer than 1 or 2 weeks OR experiences these symptoms repeated times:

  • Runny nose, itchy nose, nasal congestion, snoring, sleeping with your mouth open, recurrent otitis media
  • Recurrent throat, nasal, nose and ear itching
  • In case of itching, redness, swelling of the eyes
  • Recurrent coughing attacks
  • If coughs go down to the chest or turn into bronchitis after a long period of flu and cold
  • In case of recurrent wheezing/wheezing
  • If your child has a cough or wheezing that occurs with exercise or exertion.